Welcome to

PlayerPro ICT C.I.C

It’s what we do.

Specialising in after-school sports clubs and half-term football camps, our company provides children with the opportunity to engage in physical activity, learn teamwork, and build confidence. With a focus on skill development and enjoyment, we create a fun and supportive environment where kids can thrive, make friends, and develop a lifelong passion for sports.

  • After School Clubs

    We offer after-school football clubs for all ages and skill levels. Qualified coaches lead sessions focused on personal growth and enjoyment. Get in touch to to get the ball rolling.

  • Half Term Camps

    Our half-term clubs offer structured activities that enhance skill development, teamwork, and sportsmanship, providing children with a fun and engaging environment to learn and grow.

  • Summer Camps

    Our summer camps cater to all skill levels, focusing on technical skills, teamwork, and strategy in a fun environment throughout the summer holidays.